Community Involvement

Thank you to all that contributed to the Elev8Hope Thanksgiving collection! As you can see from the pictures, this organization serves a large number families in the Martin County area. Together with other ALA members, we donated 70 turkeys and 30 baskets to Elev8Hope.

Thank you to all team members that contributed to the Hurricane Ian donation drive. The WLC family donated $1,100 in relief supplies to our West Coast neighbors! A special thank you to Will and Nathan for helping me with the heavy work!

Attorney Jessica Gregory attends Lighthouse for the blind “Art in the Dark” preview party where a sold out crowd at Uptown Paint and Sip in Jupiter learned how to paint using touch and hearing from the instructor.
Chioma Deere Volunteering with Cunningham Bar Members – Circuit Judge Cheesman and other F. Malcolm Cunningham, Sr. Bar Association members (pictured below Tequisha Myles, Maxine Cheesman, Pamela Guerrier, Robert Guerrier and Nadine White-Boyd) to volunteer at a free community lunch serving the community at St. John First Missionary Baptist Church in Belle Glade, FL on January 1, 2019.
Jim Williams has been actively involved with the Coastal Conservation Association for over 20 years. The mission of the CCA to educate the public and preserve our coastal resources includes fisheries management, habitat restoration and public outreach. Jim has served the organization in many positions including President of the Palm Beach Chapter and Florida State Chairman. He is actively engaged in both the National and State boards of directors with a particular interest in fisheries regulation. He has served on advisory panels for the National Marine Fisheries Service as well as other local groups. He sits on the National Board of Building Conservation Trust ((BCT), a charitable foundation for Habitat Restoration. Jim regularly attends St. Joseph Catholic Church.
Carri Leininger is the Director of the Christmas Angel Project. She coordinates the efforts of Faith Lutheran Church, Faith Lutheran School and the Association of Administrative Professionals in gathering Christmas gifts for the children in Belle Glade, Florida. Last year, the Angel Project delivered gifts to more than 300 kids. Ms. Leininger also serves on the Board of Directors for The Open Door, an organization that mentors teen mothers and provides both financial and emotional support.
Jeff Cosby serves on the Board of Governors as Secretary and Personnel Chairman for busy Tequesta Country Club. Jeff also serves on the Board of Directors as Secretary for the Jupiter Inlet Beach Club. In addition, he spends considerable time coaching youth baseball and basketball for the Jupiter-Tequesta Athletic Association. Jeff frequently lectures to students at local schools regarding basic legal concepts and the Constitution of the United States

Jessica Gregory is volunteering her time reading with first grade students at Roosevelt Elementary School in West Palm Beach, Florida. Roosevelt Rockets Reading Buddies meets every first Friday of the month at Roosevelt Elementary, in an effort to promote literacy with our youth.
Chioma Deere has coached the Black History and Culture Brain Bowl team for Florida Education Fund’s National Achievers Society (formerly McKnight Scholars), in conjunction with the Urban League of Palm Beach County for the past 4 years. Ms. Deere’s community involvement also includes being an active member of the philanthropic and civic organization, The Links Incorporated, West Palm Beach Chapter.