
WLC lawyers Jim Williams, Lee Baggett and Phil Wiseberg attended FIFEC’s June 2017 insurance fraud seminar in Orlando, which the firm sponsored.
On May 31, 2017, Attorney Chioma Deere co-presented a CJE on Effective Courtroom Management of Electronic Discovery to the 15th Judicial Circuit judges with the Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence Committee of the Business Law Section of the Florida Bar.
Attorney Chioma Deere presented a Technology CLE to the F. Malcolm Cunningham, Sr. Bar Association on April 26, 2019 at the Palm Beach County Courthouse Law Library. Her sixth year presenting to the Cunningham Bar Association, Chioma presented an Intermediate CLE eDiscovery, how to get and protect electronically stored information (ESI) as well as Hot Topics in eDiscovery such as iPhone acquisition, Internet of Things (IOT) and emerging case law on the subject.

On March 22, 2022, Attorney Jessica Gregory and fellow members of the Craig S. Barnard Inns of Court, including Judge Page Gillman and Judge Joseph Curley, put on a CLE program for the Inn which was themed “Back to the Future.”